There are two things that instantly bring me right back home to my childhood.
First, is the smell of coffee. I was born and raised in Brazil, and coffee was a huge part of our culture, it was always the first smell in the house that woke up the family, and throughout the day my mom would brew fresh coffee, filling the house with that warm glorious scent all over again.
Second, is houseplants. Both my parents are plant people and we always had beautiful plants full of life at home. It was early on that I learned how fulfilling it can be taking care of plants, watching them grow and if you take good care of them, they will gift you with fresh air, flowers, new leaves or even a new baby plant. Plants make our house look more like a home, full of life and fresh air.
I wanted to combine these two things to create a unique space, peaceful, elegant and very much alive, a different experience for those who share the love for plants, coffee and tea.
I can't wait to share my plants and a cup of coffee with you.
Happy planting!
Mission Statement
With our Core Values in mind ALWAYS, we are committed to offer sustainable products that come from fellow small businesses all around the world. We work with small companies that are likeminded and concerned about the world we live in, working honestly to leave it better than how we found it.